I'm a dog trainer, pet behaviourist and writer , and my first job working with animals was way back in 1997.

Animal behaviour and training...

When I was young I had Guinea pigs, rabbits, cats and a tortoise. Oh, and a goldfish won at a fair. I always wanted a dog, but instead I had to enjoy spending time with my grandparents dogs at weekends. Although I always wanted to work with animals, it took many years of study and various animal-related jobs before I settled on what gave me the greatest pleasure - helping to improve the behaviour of our pets, and creating more harmonious homes and yards.

I spent many years at Hadlow College in Kent (1999-2004), initially as a staff member in the Animal Care unit working with a diverse range of species from bearded dragons, to llamas with a whole host of others in between, and then primarily with dogs. Always being focused on behaviour I started courses with the Natural Animal Centre, and learnt about equine behaviour, natural horsemanship and clicker training. That led to me studying full time for a BSc Hons in Equine Management at Hadlow College (2004-2007), whilst also working at a local stables, with a view to work as an equine behaviourist. But my focus changed slightly, as I was still keen to learn more about behaviour, so I began several years of learning about dogs in a much more detailed way than before. I attended many workshops, and passed the Advanced Instructors course with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (UK). I was finally in a position to have a dog of my own. During this time I also worked in the Special Education Needs department at a secondary school, working with children struggling with school life.

I started my business of dog training and pet behaviour in 2011. Always with a focus on careful management and the use of positive reinforcement, I've continued to research many training styles and techniques so I can offer the best advice to owners (which techniques to avoid, and which are the most ethical and kind ones to use). I've written three dog behaviour books: Help! My Dog Has Issues, How to Cope with your Puppy, and Our Emotional Dogs, which were published on Amazon as eBooks and paperbacks. My latest book 'Ethical Pet Training' includes information for the ethical training of dogs, horses and cats.

My constant companion between 2011 and March 2024 was my Labrador Bea (I welcomed her into my life when she was 10 months old). We learnt countless tricks, sports and behaviours; she helped me assess and train nervous and reactive dogs; and every day taught me about canine communication and behaviour. She was my soul mate, and we understood each other so well that often I didn't need to say anything to her, we just went through life being super close and loving life. I still miss her so much. Our highlight was being part of a team of 13 other owners and dogs, doing a heelwork to music routine for the auditions round of Britain's Got Talent.

I welcomed my new canine companion into my life in November 2024 - an adolescent Beagle called Rufus. He's an amazing chap, and learning all the time, but he's thrown my life into chaos in a way only teenage dogs can! He'd had no previous training, and amongst the things that needed working on included: barking constantly (for numerous reasons), pulling on walks, no recall (cannot be off lead), no interest in food when out (limiting training options), no interest in toys when out, hyper focused on other dogs/ people/ cats/ wildlife/ sheep and desperate to get there (with lots of pulling and noise), over-enthusiastic greeting and play including biting and jumping up (not aggressive), grabbing/ chewing/ stealing/ destroying things in the house and garden, frightened of travelling in the car...and finally separation anxiety (so he cannot be left alone). We're not there yet, but there are improvements in all areas. As I write this update in January, it's only been 7 weeks since I picked him up, so it's not bad going really.


- Dog Training Instructor Course, Advanced, APDT:UK (Open College Network)

- Basic counselling certificate, West Kent College

- BSc (Hons) Equine Management, Hadlow College (University of Greenwich)

- Teacher Training: Certificate in Education (PCET), Hadlow College

- Equine Behaviour Qualification Stage 1, Natural Animal Centre

- Think Dog! Advanced, Centre of Applied Pet Ethology

- 30 day dog grooming course, Animal Magic Grooming Centre

- C&G NVQ2 Caring for Animals, Hadlow College

- The Canine/ Human Interface, Animal Care College

- Introduction to Canine Psychology, Animal Care College

Workshops, seminars and webinars

I love attending events aimed at asking questions about behaviour and training, and challenging views and beliefs about what's possible, and what's ethical.

Great teachers and trainers I've learnt from include:

- Dr Ian Dunbar

- Victoria Stillwell

- Andrew Hale

- Sarah Whitehead

- Gwen Bailey

- Ben Hart

- Pat and Linda Parelli

- Heather and Ross Simpson

- Kelly Marks

- Karen Pryor

- Kay Laurence

- Vicky Halls

- Gary Wilkes

I am committed to learning more about all aspects of pet behaviour and training, and to constantly refresh my knowledge and skills. I also watch hours of videos of training online, constantly have a book on the go, and am always learning from arguments and discussions on the socials. 


As well as writing non-fiction books about animal training and behaviour, I also write fiction short stories (usually involving animals!) and novels. I also encourage people to write in a therapeutic way, especially journaling, as I think it helps us to make sense of the world around us, and helps us to deal more effectively with problems and difficulties. This is also true of pet ownership and training - writing about it can often make the route forward much clearer.

Having been interested in creative writing since school, and with a passion for film and television (gaining an HNC in Television Production), and because I wanted to write a book about dog training, I finally had the confidence to start writing 'for real' in 2016. I enjoyed the courses, workshops and self-study so much that I wrote a couple of romantic comedy books, plus a long list of amusing sketches and poems that were aired on BBC Radio Kent. I also won the 2018 Hammond House Literary Prize (screenplay category). I wanted to encourage others to have a go at writing, so I run a few workshops, including a monthly one at Hildenborough Library, and I've written a short book about writing therapy. I've also written two romantic comedies 'Run or Love' and 'How to Create a Love Triangle' - both are available on Amazon. I'm now concentrating on short stories - all of which include animals!

I'm often asked how writing and pet behaviour go together - but really it's all about behaviour. To write creatively, you need to be able to describe how people think, act and communicate - and I'm a keen observer of behaviour, whether it's human or animal! 

For more details about my fiction writing, please click here

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Sarah Crockford (Goodreads Author)