Location and cost

Leigh village hall, nr Tonbridge in Kent, TN11 8RL (between the shop and the Fleur de Lis pub). There is no car park at the hall, so please park on the road out the front if there's space, or down the side roads.

Please make sure your puppy/ dog has had chance for a wee and to stretch their legs before entering class. Whenever possible, puppies/ dogs need to do their initial greetings in the area outside the hall so they are ready to concentrate when they enter.

You will need to bring: a short lead (attached to a flat collar or fixed harness or headcollar), a bed/ cover for them to settle on during class, a non-squeaky chew/ tug toy if your puppy/ dog needs it, water in hot weather, and plenty of small food treats to last the session.

You will need to bring a completed registration with you to your first class.

Please contact Sarah to book your place.

All classes are roll-on roll-off, so there's no set number of weeks you need to attend, but once booked on you will be expected to attend every week you are able to, until you choose to stop coming (you need to let Sarah know when you want to stop).

Not suitable for reactive dogs unless you have already had one-to-one sessions with Sarah, and she thinks your dog can cope.

All classes are 45 minutes, and cost £12 per class.


Improving skills - all ages

Mondays 10am 

This class is for dogs who have learnt the basics, and are now learning how to do more advanced obedience/ life skills while in a distracting environment. 


- working near other dogs while on a loose lead or off-lead

- sustaining focus for longer periods of time

- improving on the basics: sit, down, stay, leave, come, 'go to', fetch, close/ heel

- a few fun tricks

Foundation skills - all ages

Mondays 11am

This class is all about the basics, and doing them well! Particularly good for puppies and adolescents. 


- socialisation

- calmness around other dogs and people

- basic skills (sit/ down/ stay/ leave/ bed)

- loose lead walking

- recall

- lots of advice!

Creative Canine Training Class - all ages

Fridays 10am.

Please note: dogs need to be able to work in close proximity to others without becoming fearful or defensive.


- 'learning to learn'

- advanced skills

- tricks

- bits of: heelwork to music/ rally obedience/ obedience/ agility/ hoopers

- shaping complex behaviours

- building a repertoire of actions

- the principles of clicker training (without the actual clicker!)

Puppy socialisation and training class - ages 3-8 months

Fridays 11am

This class is all about getting puppies and young dogs meeting other dogs and people, and also being able to focus (and come away from play), when required. 


- foundation skills, including sit, settle, and recall from distractions

- socialisation and habituation

- a few fun tricks and puppy agility

- lead handling skills

- loose lead walking both in class and the area around the hall

Please contact Sarah to book your place on a class:

Email: reflectionsanimaltraining@gmail.com

Text or leave a message on: 07805 855069

Registration form

Dog registration form.docx Dog registration form.docx
Size : 19.251 Kb
Type : docx
Dog registration form.pdf Dog registration form.pdf
Size : 102.534 Kb
Type : pdf